1. Introduction
in the rural economy is still dominated by the efforts of small scale farms
with the main actors of farmers, farm workers, traders and agricultural inputs,
agro-processing, and household industry. However, businesses in general are
still faced with the classic problem of the limited availability of capital,
capital constraints may limit the movement of agricultural activities in the
rural sector (Hamid, 1986).
In the long term, the scarcity of
capital could be the entry point of the chain cycle of poverty in rural farming
communities that are difficult to break. Although the incidence of poverty is
factually not limited by spatial and sectoral aspects, but it is undeniable
that the majority of the poor live in rural areas and generally work in the
agricultural sector. According to Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS) , the
number of poor in 2012 reached 29.31 million people and as many as 18.48
million (58.8%) of them work in the agricultural sector.
Weak capital economic actors in rural areas has
been recognized by the government, the state government has launched several
programs for credit to farmers and small farming businesses. Starting with the
credit Bimas 1972, then followed Credit Small Investment (CIC) and the
Permanent Working Capital Loans (KMKP), Project Income Farmers / Fishermen
Small (P4K) Farmer Business Credit (KUT), and to this day still occurred
People's Business Credit (KUR). Although the government has implemented a
variety of loan programs, but the achievements of results are deemed still not
in line with expectations. This is reflected in the performance of financial
institutions has not been satisfactory, especially in the financial institution
as the executor.
According Martowijoyo (2005) weak performance of
financial institutions as a financial intermediary can be seen from three
aspects: (1) low levels of loan repayment; (2) low morality executive officers,
and (3) low levels of mobilization of public funds. The weaknesses has
consequences for not continuing financial institutions set up after the program
is completed. As a result, program participants will generally re-experiencing
a shortage of capital.
To answer the problem of lack of
capital and banking institutions are less accessible to small farmers, it is
necessary to further optimize the potential of financial institutions that can
be an alternative source of funding for farmers and rural communities. One of
the financial institutions that can be exploited and encouraged to finance
micro segment is the Informal Financial Institutions (IFIs), yet can not be
used optimally.
IFI built by individuals able to exist and contribute
to serving the needs of capital in low-income communities in rural development
although in these institutions received government assistance. Existence IFIs
could play a role in serving the needs of rural small and medium enterprises,
although it is still limited in the scope of a particular group. This indicates
the existence of internal capital mobilization in the communities of farmers /
rural, so the issue of small and medium business capital is not always only be
overcome by relying on external capital mobilization (government)
Subandi (2007) said the success of microfinance
institutions is influenced by several factors, namely; (1) each institution
usually makes its own concept of credit in accordance with the conditions in
which the institution is located, (2) the ability to foster a sense of kinship
among members raises openness, and those who receive loans are really in need,
(3) beliefs, dogma and or certain myth that states that the poor will have
difficulty in repaying the loan.
This dogma was still firmly attached among lenders
both formal and informal, including the government. These conditions are
characterized by making rules which in principle is for securing a loan, but on
the other hand a constraint that is very burdensome for employers farmers in
low-income and (4) the main factors that hinder the success of microfinance
institutions to finance farming is not to include an element of social capital
in calculus analysis.
In economic development, Dasgupta and Serageldin
(1999) argues that social networks can affect economic progress because it
contains a trust which is an important element in the network. The importance
of this element of trust in social networks is also proposed by Fukuyama
(1995), in which case he is more focused on the social capital of the trust as
a key factor in mediation to reduce transaction costs in communities and enterprises
that enable people to work together more effectively.
Fukuyama (2002) argues that social capital that
focuses on the importance of the relationship in economic affairs. Furthermore,
it is said that the companies, regional industry and the national economy can
function more efficiently if there is mutually respectful and the trusting
relationship between citizens.
Fukuyama of view, can be said that the formation of
social capital can contribute to economic development because of the network,
norms, and trust in them. World Bank (2003) said that social capital is
particularly relevant for the economic development of a country, because social
capital is a recipe for raising the economic prospects of communities and
nations, including improving educational facilities and health, development of
competent and accountable political institutions. Besides social capital can
encourage the emergence of a free market in the global economy. An increase in
education for example, has led people in developed countries more developed.
Putnam (1993), has also shown evidence that
economic growth is positively correlated with the presence of social capital.
Economic development in a community and economic development of rural (village)
would be good if the following characteristics are owned by the economic actors
in a synergy between the activities of the community, namely: (1) presence of
close relationships in a village with other village between members people,
presence of leaders who are honest and egalitarian who treat themselves as part
of a community, not as rulers, and (3) The existence of mutual trust and
cooperation between elements of society.
Social capital is defined quite diverse. Worlk Bank
(1999) defines social capital as the institutions, relationships, norms that
shape the quality and quantity of social interaction. He became an adhesive
between community members to one another. According to Fukuyama (1999), social
capital is a norm that appears informally underlying cooperation between two or
more individuals. Norms or social values as a basis of cooperation and glue
each member of society in social relations.
Sculler (2001), Putnam (2000), Woolcock (2000),
Cohen and Prusak (2001) agree that these norms, not only as a basis or adhesive
relationship amongst members of the public, but it contains an active
relationship people includes trust, mutual understanding, and behavior as well
as the shared values that bind each member involved. People who have social
capital more easily work together towards a common interest in the field of
social and economic good, compared with people otherwise.
Hayami and Kikuchi (1987) says that the norms and
principles of traditional facilitate the community to act collectively achieve
economic progress, and he also said that the villagers are already accustomed
to regulate any economic activity by facilitating coordination in the use of
scarce resources through customs and institutions. Collective action is a must
for rural communities to provide for the needs / interests together is both
physical, such as roads, irrigation systems, and others as well as
institutional, ie rules and regulations.
One manifestation of the values of social capital
is in the rural community of collective capital formation. Collective capital is
a source of internal capital that plays an important role when people have
difficult access to external capital sources.
In the study Nuwirman (1998) and
Zakri (2001) mentions the raising of capital in the form of principal savings,
mandatory, voluntary or sadaqoh (given) in activity of align group institution
and Lumbung Pitih Nageri (LPN) in West Sumatra.
Communities that have a high social capital will
open up the possibility of resolving the complexity of the problems more
easily. Mutual trust, tolerance, and they can build networks of cooperation
both within community groups as well as with other community groups.
Traditional communities, are known to have an informal relationship that is
generally strong and has the values, norms, and collective ethics as an
interconnected community. This is social capital which can encourage the
emergence of modern organizations with the principles of openness and informal
networks within communities can autonomously develop the knowledge and insights
with the aim of improving the welfare and quality of life together in community
development framework.
In general, the ability of social capital (social
relationship) is still strong and entrenched in the countryside including the
willingness and mutual assistance in the execution of farming. Agricultural
development will succeed if the farmers as the subject of development
passionate and motivated to work hard, the motivation will foster creativity farmers and
cooperativeness among them which in turn foster social capital that has
guaranteed the successful application of agricultural technologies for
sustainable agricultural development in the future
Study of Chaves and Gonzalez-Vega also revealed
that the Village Credit Institutions (LPD) Bali involving agents of the village
in their credit granting system is commonly called the techniques of credit
based on the characters. Further Chaves and Gozales-Vega said that lending
based on character and local control is efficient to avoid the possibility of a
loan was not returned.
Snow stated that sustainable MFIs are always
together and linked with existing local institutional network. Therefore, IFIs
must be socially constructed, namely that environmental, social and economic
arrangements must be made to meet the specific purpose (Cernea, 1993). Cernea
(1993) says that the failure of many projects due to have ignored the social
factors such as social action, relationships with others, institutional
arrangements, cultural, pattern, unity, honesty, values, customs and religious
values that regulate behavior they are in an institution.
Other institutions have managed
to take advantage of local institutional as financial intermediaries with rural
communities is a non-bank credit institutions such as LPD in Bali and Lumbung
Pitih Nagari (LPN) in West Sumatra. The purpose of the institution is a
financial intermediary for the rural poor (Robinson, 2001).
LPN concept was developed at the Institute of Rural
Village (Lembaga Perkreditan Desa/LPD) in Bali with management fully empowering
indigenous peoples, because by empowering indigenous peoples would be affected
beneficiaries customary sanction if the problems in the credit worthiness and
the way that brought LPD Bali so evolved. Finally the question, why LPN who had
died in West Sumatra, but then grow and develop in Bali?.
2. Research Problem
IFI models that exist in rural areas can be divided
into Individual Financial Broker and financial Financial Self-help Groups
(Korpp, 1989). IFIs in the form of individual financial intermediaries are very
dominant in the countryside (Wharton Jr., 1973; Gammel, 1994; Hayami and
Ruttan, 1971) and generally exploitative (Mubyarto, 1990; Ahmad, 1991). While
the IFIs in the form of self-help groups (SHGs), although relatively less
dominant (in the restricted group), ut are able to exist in serving the credit
needs of small and medium-sized enterprises are not exploitative, as Julo-Julo
(Zakri, 2001) and a group of joint venture (Nuwirman 1988 ). The agency is able
to meet the credit needs of people who are not able to access credit sources
The ability of IFIs play a role in rural areas
because these institutions grow from the community and has a joint capital
(Acharya et al, 1992; Quinones Jr., 1992) based on the social values developed
in the community. Even at the Kongsi Group in West Sumatra are social values,
customs and religion in financial management (Nuwirman, 1998). This is in
accordance with the lifestyle of the people Minangkabau "Custom based on
Syari’a (Adat Basandi Syarak/ABS), and Syariah Base on Alqur’an (Syarak Basandi
Based on the above phenomenon can be formulated research problem as
Informal Financial Institutions can survive in the long term and play an
effective role in serving the needs of capital UTK in rural areas?
Informal Financial Institutions applying social capital in enhancing the role
of microfinance institutions to serve the needs of capital UTK?
3. Research Objectives
In accordance with the research problem as formulated above, the purpose
of this study is:
the factors that influence the IFIs can survive long-term presence and play an
effective role in serving the needs of capital UTK in the countryside.
how financial institutions can utilize the Informal Social Capital element in
improving service to the UTK.
4. Review
of Literature
4.1 The
concept of Financial Institutions
To understand the definition of
financial institutions clearly need to put forward some definitions by several
experts, including a financial institution as an institution that launched the
exchange of goods and services with the use of money or credit, help channel
the savings of society that excess funds to community in need of funds. Then
Seibel (1996) more clearly defines financial institutions as a body that
collects funds, give credit to the public or equity participation, as well as
doing more than one activity mentioned above at once.
In the money market commonly known as the two-term
formal and informal financial institutions, although between these two
institutions are the term semi-formal financial institutions (Seibel 1996;
Kropp, 1989). Formal and informal use of the term in the rural credit market
researchers are widely used in various studies, but still a bit of literature
that suggests about formal and informal sense of the term.
In this context simply they
emphasize the importance of the law or any official government permission in
the use of formal and informal term for rural financial institutions. According
to Formal Financial Institutions (LKF) is when a financial institution is a
legal entity and has official permission from the government. Instead say
Informal Financial Institutions (IFIs) if the financial institution has not
been / is not a legal entity or does not have official permission from the
In contrast to Kropp (1989) distinguishes LKF by
the IFIs with emphasis on aspects of whether there oversight of government
(central bank) to the financial institution or not. According to the financial
institution can be classified into LKF if these institutions are under the
supervision of the government or the central bank. Conversely, when not under
supervision of the government or the credit transaction is not subject to the
laws or financial policy / government credit, the institution is classified
into IFI.
institutions are program loans for small amounts to the poorest to finance the
project he's working on his own in order to generate income, allowing them to
care for themselves and their families, "Programmes extend small loans to
very poor for cell-employment projects that generate income , alowing them to
care for Themselves and their family ". Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)
in Indonesia according to the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank
(Gunawan, 2007) has a main characteristic, namely; (1) provides a variety of
financial services that is relevant or appropriate to the real needs of the
community, (2) serve low-income communities and (3) using the procedures and
mechanisms for contextual and flexible to make it more easily accessible to
poor people in need.
institutions have the most obvious advantages, the procedure is simple, without
collateral, to do that liquid (personal relationship), and a flexible repayment
period (negotiable repayment). It is in accordance with the characteristic
traits of economic actors in rural areas (particularly in agriculture) which
have limited assets, low levels of education and income irregular cycles (depending
on the harvest). Rustic character like that are captured well by actors
microfinance institutions, so easily accepted by the existence of small
communities. The main drawback of microfinance institutions, the loan interest
rate is very high, its existence should be corrected because the poor tend to
be exploitative.
Government regulation can design
by limiting the interest rate, or expand the poor's access to formal credit so
that in the long term interest rate microfinance institutions will be depressed.
This model should be adopted so that the interests of small communities are not
presence is needed at least for two reasons (Pantoro, 2008). First, as one of
the instruments in order to overcome poverty. Poor people generally have a micro-scale
enterprises. Terminology World Bank, they are referred to as economically
active poor or micro entrepreneurs. In the configuration of the Indonesian
economy, more than 90% of business units are micro enterprises.
Develop micro-scale enterprises is
a strategic move as it will realize the broad bases development or development
through equity. They require capital in order to develop its capacity. The
effort to increase (become small-scale enterprises), will effectively address
the poverty suffered by themselves and expected to help people in the poor
4.2 Role
of Social Capital
In the view of economics, capital is anything that
can be profitable or generate capital itself can be divided into
in the form of material such as cash, buildings or goods; (2) the cultural
capital in the form of educational quality; cultural wisdom; and (3) social
capital in the form of togetherness, social obligations that were
institutionalized in the form of common life, role, authority, responsibility,
reward systems and other attachments that generate collective action.
Coleman (1988), social capital is
inherent in the structure of relationships between individuals. The structure
of relations forming a social network that creates a wide range of social
qualities such as trust, open, unified norms, and assign various types of
sanctions for its members. Putnam (1995) defines social capital as
"features of social organization such as networks, norms, and social trust
that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit".
Social capital is the glue for each individual, in
the form of norms, beliefs and networks, resulting in mutually beneficial
cooperation to achieve common goals. Social capital is also understood as
knowledge and understanding shared by the community, as well as patterns of
relationship that allows a group of individuals doing one productive activity.
In line with what is proposed World Bank (1999), social capital is defined to
the institutional dimension, relationships are created, norms that shape the
quality and quantity of social relationships in the community. Social capital
did not mean only a number of institutions and social groups that support them,
but also social glue which maintain the unity of the group as a whole.
Lesser (2000), social capital is
very important for the community because it (1) provide easy access to
information for members of the community; (2) into a media power sharing or
division of power in the community; (3) to develop solidarity; (4) allows the
mobilization of community resources; (5) allows the achievement of joint; and
(6) shaping the behavior of togetherness and community organization. Social
capital is a commitment of each individual to open with each other, mutual
trust, give authority to any person who chooses to act in accordance with its
responsibilities. This means generating a sense of togetherness, solidarity and
responsibility at the same time will progress together.
Togetherness, solidarity, tolerance, spirit of
collaboration, the ability to empathize, the social capital inherent in social
life. The loss of social capital can be ensured unity of the community, state
and nation will be threatened, or at least the collective problems will be
difficult to resolve. Togetherness can ease the burden, share thoughts, so you
can bet the stronger the social capital, the higher the resilience, fighting
spirit, and quality of life of a community. The absence of social capital, the
community is very easy intervention even destroyed by outsiders
Specifically World Bank (1998)
provided a focus of attention in the assessment of the role and implementation
of social capital and the possible contribution in the process of poverty
reduction, especially in developing countries. The role and position of social
capital in the community daily activities also have been studied more
intensively by experts from various scientific viewpoints among others, from
the perspective of agro-eco system, economics, sociology, politics,
anthropology and psychology.
As in the classical understanding
in general, physical capital has been considered a major contribution in the
process of production and development, but currently there are several types of
capital Among other form of human capital, institutions and social capital that
also has received greater attention and wider.
Experts already believe and agree that the
capital-capital that deserves more serious attention to more than just the
conventional capital in the form of physical capital. Understanding that
non-physical capital that has the ability to make a significant contribution in
the process of social and economic development of society has been increasingly
widespread. This is in line with the views Georgi (2003) which basically
concluded that social capital includes individual talents, the accumulated
knowledge of society, and society's forms of interaction, organization and
culture can make a significant contribution to economic growth and development
of society.
4.3 Definition of Social Capital
Fukuyama (1995) illustrates the
social capital in the trust, believe and vertrauen means that the importance of
trust rooted in cultural factors such as ethics and morals. Trust appears then
the community share a set of moral values, as a way to create a common hope and
honesty. He also stated that the associations and the local network really has
a positive impact on economic welfare and local development and plays an
important role in environmental management. James S, Coleman (1999) asserts
that, social capital as a tool for understanding social action that combines
theoretical perspectives of sociology and economics. This notion was reinforced
by Serageldin (1999) that social capital always involves the community and make
people appear not only on the interaction of market and economic value.
Serageldin provides a classification of social capital among others:
capital in the form of social interaction that is durable but unidirectional
relationship, such as teaching and social interaction trade relationship was
reciprocal such as social networks and associations.
capital in the form of social interaction effects are more durable in the
direction of such a relationship of trust, respect and imitation are in the
form of a reciprocal relationship such as gossip, reputation, pooling, social
roles and coordination, all of these contain high economic value.
Simple and general conclusion that can be raised
about the main elements of social capital includes norms, reciprocity, trust,
and network, Fukuyama (1995). The fourth element is a significant influence on
the behavior of co-operation to achieve the desired results, which could
accommodate the interests of individuals and groups who cooperate collectively.
In real in everyday life, if examined in depth, all the behavior of
socio-economic activities of local community members embedded in networks of
social relationships.
To provide a general description of the social
capital, some sense and the basic elements and their source are summarized in
Table 1. Through in-depth study could conclude about the meaning and the role
and contribution of social capital in the economic development of society.
Tabel 1. Definition and Basic Elements of Social Capital
Definiton and Basic Element of Social Capital
Coleman (1988)
Social capital
consits of some
aspects of social
structures, and they
certain actions of actors--whether persons or corporate actors-
-within the structure
Putnam et.al (1993)
Features of social
organization, such as trust, norms (or reciprocity), and
(of civil engagement), that
can improve the
efficiency of
society by facilitating coordinated actions
Narayan (1997)
The rules,
the norms, obligations, reciprocity
and trust embedded
social relations, social structure and society’s
institutional arrangements
which enable
members to achieve
their individual and
Uphoff (1999)
Social Capital
can be considered as an accumulation of various types of
intangible social, psychological, cultural,
institutional, and related assets
that influence cooperative behavior
Dhesi (2000)
Shared knowledge,
understandings, values, norms, and social networks
to ensure the intended results social capital includes the institutions,
relationships, attitudes and
values that guide and drive the interactions
among people and contribute to social and
economic development.
World Bank (1998)
Social capital
is not as
simple as just
as the sum
of the institutions
by the community,
but also the
underpinning that unites
them together.
capital includes shared
values and rules
for social conduct
expressed in inter-personal relationships, trust and
a common sense of
responsibility to society, all these things make
the public more than just
a collection of individuals.
Coleman (1988); Putnam et.al (1993) ; Narayan (1997); Uphoff (1999); Dhesi
(2000); World Bank (1998)
capital and trust can create and enable economic transactions become more
efficient by providing the possibility for the parties concerned to be able (1)
to access more information, (2) allowing them to mutually coordinate the
activities in the common interest, and ( 3) can reduce or even eliminate
opportunistic behavior through transactions that occur repeatedly in a long
period. Is inherently social capital contains a social sense. Almost all forms
of social capital are formed and grow through a mix or combination of actions
of a few people. Social capital will be growing and growing when used together
and instead will decline or even a decrease in extinction and death if not used
or institutionalized together. Social capital can not be transferred fully automatically
from generation to generation like a genetic inheritance in terms of biology.
Referring to Fukuyana (1995) there are three parameters of social capital are:
a. Trust
As explained Fukuyama (1995), the belief is growing
hope in a society that is shown the behavior honest, orderly, and cooperation
based on norms adopted together. Social trust is the application to this
understanding. Cox (1995) later noted that in communities that have a high
confidence level, social rules tend to be positive, relationships are also
collaborative. Social trust is basically a product of good social capital, the
social capital that is well characterized by the existence of social
institutions were sturdy, social capital gave birth to a harmonious social life
(Putnam, 1995). Damage to social capital will lead to anti-social behavior
(Cox, 1995), lack of social capital in financial institutions
will lead to customer relationship with the manager of the institution will not
trust each other.
b Norma.
The norms consist of understandings, values,
expectations and goals which are believed and run together of religious, moral
guidelines, and standards seem secular ethical code propfesional. The norms are
built and thrive based on the history of cooperation in the past and
implemented to support the climate of cooperation (Putnam, 1993, Fukuyama
1995). The norms can be a precondition nor a product of social trust.
c. Network
Lenggono (2004) describes the notion refers to the
network of social relationships on a regular, consistent and longstanding, that
relationship not only involves two individuals, but many individuals. Relations
between individu will form a social network as well as reflecting the social
groupings in the community life.
Dynamic infrastructure of social capital is formed
in the form of networks of cooperation between humans (Putnam, 1993). The
network facilitates communication and interaction, enabling the growth of trust
and strengthen cooperation. Healthy communities tend to have social networks
are robust, they then build a strong interrelationship both formal and informal
(Onyc, 1996). Putnam (1995) argues that social networks will strongly reinforce
the feeling of cooperation among its members as well as the benefits of the
Results and Discussion
LPN Pulau Mainan, 62.8 percent of the savings
collected as a source of collective capital. In other words the contribution of
members of LPN highest source of funds in savings (62.8%) of total funds
The large amount of savings (62.8%) at LPN Pulau
Mainan is an indication that there is a potential surplus of small farmers'
income. This allows the potential presence (LPN) can exist and act by relying
on the mobilization internal capital, so it does not have to depend on
government capital resources. It means that even without external capital
mobilization (government), LPN Pulau Mainan can exist and act effectively serve
the needs of credit and at the same time increase the income of farmers in the
If such a condition in the LPN
Pulau Mainan can survive and thrive, it is expected to help farmers to meet the
shortage of capital in the development of micro enterprises, so that the
development of micro-enterprises will be able to improve the welfare of the
micro entrepreneurs / farmers and ultimately will improve the bargaining
position of farmers themselves ,
On the other hand the success of
LPN Pulau Mainan role is to UTK because this institution is a local
institution, built and managed by small farmers, as well as be used for small
farmers themselves (indigenous institutions). Institutions do not depend on
outside parties, especially government intervention, but rather on the basis of
collective action with the values of social capital (trust, networks and norms)
that they form and stick together.
From the above, it can be concluded that there are
three important factors that led to the LPN can survive and contribute
effectively to serve UTK rural namely:
a) The element of trust.
The nature of mutual trust
between members and managers cause LPN easily accessible by UTK for cooperation
and mutual trust based on the suitability of the characteristics of the
institution with the characteristics of farming. Characteristics institutions
characterized by UTK as the main target of credit services, procedures and
administrative requirements are relatively simple, does not apply collateral,
repayment system is relatively lightweight and flexible, and easily accessible
location. While the nature and dynamics of UTK is characterized by limited land
area, there are sharecroppers, and the business is seasonal. While the dynamics
of UTK include reliance on credit loans, no collateral, and is only able to
access credit at low interest rates and can be obtained easily and quickly.
b) Effectiveness Network.
A network of cooperation among
members resulting in effective credit services at LPN thus obtained credit UTK
felt by both the credit needs as well as increased revenue (LPN Pulau Mainan).
This is in addition determined by the procedures and requirements of easy
administration, the system returns a lightweight and flexible, and the absence
of collateral requirements also by the board's role in managing and supervising
the use of credit as well as to motivate members to participate in advancing
the institution belonging to the community to support the process of improving
the welfare of farmers.
c) Elements of Norma
Success in internal capital mobilization particular
cause LPN. LPN Pulau Mainan has a major capital source of the initial capital
and savings deposits (11.1%) in 2012 with the amount of wealth has reached 14
billion more, so as to empower UTK well in meeting the needs of capital and an
increase in revenue without relying on external capital mobilization,
especially from the government.
Of the three factors (trust,
networks and norms), has a fundamental role, thus becoming a key involvement of
LPN effectively serve UTK. financial contributions of members in the
mobilization of internal capital as shown in Table 2 below:
Table 2. Financial Contributions Member in the Internal Capital
Mobilization at Lumbung Pitih Nagari Financial Institutions, Years 2012
Kind of Contribution
of Contribution/persentase
Paid-up capital
Time Deposit
Capital Reserves
Other liabilities
2 %
Activities of the institution, especially the
establishment of institutions, borrowing and loan repayments, and the
mobilization of internal capital based on the values of social capital through
mutual no trust between management and members, the formation of a network of
cooperation that led to the high level of participation of members towards the
development and sustainability of the institution, as well as adherence to the
norm defined collectively, as a factor causing the growth of local institutions
(LPN) independent and sustainable
The high amount of savings is
indicative of the mutual trust between the agency board members, this condition
reflects a high sense of the institution, so as to build a sense of
participation of all members of the desire of members to develop and increase the
independence of the institution. None indicator of the low level of performing
loans (LPN) / loans (2%) also describe compliance and adherence to the norms
prevailing in the institution is established, implemented and monitored by its
own members.
LPN compatibility between the characteristics of
the nature and dynamics of UTK as a result of the confidence, networks and
norms lead this institution capable of acting effectively. UTK is the object of
service is characterized by farming with limited land, and cultivated their own
land, and crops that are seasonal. In terms of the dynamics of farming, farmers
are very dependent on loans as the main source of capital, but do not have a
mortgage, and is only able to access low interest loans and easy to obtain.
Credit services performed by the administrative
procedures and requirements are relatively simple and straightforward and does
not require providing collateral, the loan bears interest at a low (12%) per
annum and affordable by UTK, credit payment system is very simple and easy.
Such services based on the values of social capital (trust).
Values underpin lending credence
to members without collateral, loans granted bail only on the basis of trust
and honesty (social collateral), while the value of togetherness and
cooperation is reflected in the participation of formulating or deciding the
rules of credit services between management and members. Ease of servicing such
loans indicates that the LPN is more oriented to meeting the needs of capital
and improve the living standards of farmers / members as well as the
independence of the institution.
The existence and role LKPN intended to provide
credit facilities for the UTK and simultaneously build / develop sustainable
and independent institution (availability and attainability oriented).
Independence and sustainability LPN built through
collective action form the source of capital. This collective action based on
the values of social capital (social capital) that live and thrive in the
community. LPN, the values of social capital serve as the basis / foundation of
collective action to build and manage the institution effectively. LPN Toy
Island, built on the basis of the wishes and community initiatives, without the
direct intervention of government or other parties.
More involvement of the relative
values of social capital at LPN due to more members are involved in various
activities of the institution. This corresponds well with the nature of the
institution as a local institution, so that members feel has the institution.
While the role of religious values and customs in this institution, in addition
to the desire and mutual awareness between the board and members to apply
religious values and customs to meet venture capital together without getting
involved with the issue of usury, is also influenced by the position of the
majority of the board LPN which also serves as caretaker of the mosque and
indigenous stakeholders (ninik Mamak .
Government intervention in the LPN, are relatively
small and are not directly only in the form of grants / scroll and coaching.
Whereas in the form of regulation is not found. Although. never received grants
/ revolving of the government that are beneficial in the capital increase, the
institution is not positioned such assistance as a destination and a source of
capital that can create dependency.
Institutions capable of mobilizing capital from
members / citizens in the form of savings, compulsory savings and special
savings / volunteer can become a pile of collective capital which is used as
the primary source of capital in the credit granting members. This causes the
LPN is not dependent on the government, so as to exist and contribute to UTK by
independence sources of capital. This condition indicates that the existence
and role of these institutions can be built on the basis of internal forces
(internal mobilization) through collective action in the form of internal
capital mobilization.
From the foregoing, it is clear that the
fundamental existence, role and development institutions show perspective built
and managed by small farmers and used for the benefit of small farmers
themselves (indigenous institution). In other words, these institutions exist
and thrive because of the internal forces (internal mobilization) in the form
of internal capital mobilization based on the social capital that is integrated
with the values of religious and traditional values.
6. Conclusion
Based on the results of research
and analysis conducted, it can be concluded that there are three important
factors that led to the LPN can survive and contribute effectively to serve UTK
rural namely:
1. Element Trust
The nature of trust between members with members
and between members of the board resulted in the formation of a network that
allows the formation of mutually beneficial cooperation between members to
achieve a common goal. These conditions affect the suitability of the
characteristics of the institution with the characteristics of the nature and
dynamics of UTK, this condition causes the LPN is easily accessible by UTK.
Characteristics institutions characterized by UTK as the main target of credit
services, procedures and administrative requirements are relatively simple,
does not require collateral, the system returns a relatively lightweight and
flexible, and easily accessible location. While the nature and dynamics of UTK
is characterized by limited land area, there are sharecroppers, and the
business is seasonal. While the dynamics of UTK include reliance on credit
loans, no collateral, and is only able to access the credit that does not bloom
/ low interest and easy to obtain.
Ease of access of farmers to
financial institutions led to successful farmers in the implementation of
agricultural activities. This condition indicates that the character of
financial institutions in accordance with the characteristics of farmers, lead
to the development of agriculture and improve the welfare of farmers better.
Mutual trust between managers and members by making mutually beneficial working
system between the managers and members. Mutual benefit will arise if the
results of the activities performed felt by both sides. This situation will
lead to mutual trust, sympathy, mutual participation and sense of belonging to
the institution. This was evident at LPN Pulau Mainan effectively serve the
needs of capital.
At LPN Pulau Mainan, in addition
to meet the capital requirements also managed to increase the income of members
(72%) and developing a strong and independent institution with a wealth LPN
Pulau Mainan 14 billion more and the percentage of bad loans is only a maximum
of 2 percent.
2. Element Network.
fact states that credits earned by UTK perceived benefits both credit needs and
increase revenue. The increase in revenues of approximately 72.5 percent of the
farmers of credit user, especially in the area of Dharmasraya is one indication
of the success of agricultural development in the study area. This situation as
a result of involvement of financial institutions serving the needs of capital
for UTK who become customers.
In addition to the benefits
received by the members, the benefits are also obtained financial institutions
in developing the sustainability of the institution by mobilizing internal
capital, it is seen increasing numbers of savings in LPN Pulau Mainan (63%).
Success in internal capital
mobilization caused LPN Pulau Mainan has a major source of capital (initial
capital contribution and savings), so as to empower UTK well in fulfilling the
capital requirements and increased revenue without relying on external capital
mobilization, especially from the government.
3. Elements of Norma
From the aspect of the rules / policies of
government, at upfront analysis indicates that the LPN does not have a dependency
on the government, so as to exist and contribute to UTK. This condition is seen
on the level of compliance with the rules, the rules that they make together.
This indication is reflected in the low level of NPL / loans (2%).
7. Suggestions
System Operating Procedures (SOP) is formulated
based on the element of trust that has been shown to create an independent
local agencies and beneficial in meeting the capital of farmers and increased
incomes. To reduce operating costs, the establishment of a network of proven
systems also make the system more effective cooperation and norms / rules are
made jointly make the members abide by the rules as agreed, it also makes a
collective capital formation was effective.
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